Cast away with Dan Hubbard

Time to meet Dan Hubbard

It’s time to get back into the casting hot seat and chat with Dan Hubbard. Dan is joining us on the 5th Sept to share his wisdom and insight in casting for major motion movies, TV and more. Now of course we know Dan needs no introduction, but lets tell you a little about him anyway. Best known for casting The Bourne Ultimatum, The Bourne Supremacy, and Lara Kroft, he has been around the block and back again (for one so young). Dan casts TV, films, high end commercials and more. If you want to know the rock and roll of casting, as well as have a chance to get up close and personal with Dan, then this is a Q&A worth attending.

Place: Jewel Bar, Piccadilly Circus

Map: Find the venue here

Date: Wed 5th September 6.30pm to 7.30pm – Q&A
Cost for the Q&A: 
£12 per person or £22 for two (* if you pre-register to attend together)
Register for the Q&A: Tweetup RSVP 

FREE TWEETUP: From 7pm we network downstairs at the back of Jewel Bar

The UK Actors tweetup is a free industry night for anyone in and around London who wants to meet other directors, producers, actors, writers, composers and the likes.

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