We always welcome useful ideas on how to make life easier for actors. Here, Martha Shephard offers some insights by way of helpful hints for actors looking to book auditions and create an online presence.
Tips for Actors, by Martha Shephard
Headshot Photos
Having good quality photos is essential on your profile because it is the first thing that industry professionals see and it represents you.
Your photos can be black & white or colour. You should be facing the camera and have a non-distracting background. Avoid wearing patterns or prints, keep your clothing simple in solid colours. Don’t go crazy with the make up, casting professionals want to see you. Adopt a relaxed friendly pose.
For good photographs at affordable prices we recommend www.davidtett.com
Online Profile
Create a profile at www.tobeseen.co.uk which will take the format of www.tobeseen.co.uk/people/yourname. It is free to create a basic profile and you can use it as your unique webpage to show your details, acting credits, photos & showreel. Casting professionals can then simply click on your link to access the information they require in order to consider you for an audition.
You can forward your To Be Seen profile link to relevant people & companies in the industry, print it on your business cards, use it in your email signature & display it in your social networking profiles.
Having a good showreel is the difference between getting that audition or not. A professionally made showreel is absolutely essential.
Your showreel should be approximately 3-4 minutes in length. Show your versatility by having a mixture of your acting clips. If you don’t yet have acting clips to add to it then consider a monologue piece.
Update your showreel regularly. Ensure your contact details are on it.
www.silvertipfilms.co.uk offer showreel services.
Social Networking
Get involved in the digital stuff. Sometimes companies post auditions via their social networking pages so ensure you have a profile with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google + and follow relevant companies.
If you need help with creating & developing your online social networking presence check out www.reallybrightmedia.com
Attend relevant networking & workshop/seminar events in the acting industry, there are loads of them about. You will meet people & companies that will give you advice and also you can swap tips with other people in the industry.
The UKActorsTweetup is a good place to start. Follow them on Twitter @UKActorsTweetup to find out when the next Tweetup is being held.
Applying for Auditions
New casting calls get posted every day on www.tobeseen.co.uk so check the job postings on a regular basis.
You should only apply for roles that you are suitable for and have the skills for as per the casting description.
Casting directors do not like sifting through applications of people who are not suited for the role.
The Audition
Double-check the location of audition the day before and arrive 10 minutes early. Print out your CV and attach your headshot photo securely to it.
Find out all you can about the company and director. Research the role and the character. Lines should be leaned off by heart. Be the character you are playing. Dress to fit that character.
Don’t pester the company for feedback after your audition – check your mobile & emails regularly and wait for them to contact you. Continue applying for further auditions – perseverance is key – it is a competitive industry so be prepared to work hard to land that role you want.
Martha Shephard is the founder of To Be Seen. To find out more visit their site, or follow them on twitter here.