Yearly Archives: 2016

producer panel talk festivals uk actors tweetup
Sept NEWS Our power-house producer panel lift the lid on festival season…   If you live in London, work in the film industry and haven’t noticed that we’re in the middle the hottest period in London’s film festival calender then you’re seriously missing a trick! For true independent break-out film screenings we’ve gotRaindance (Sept 21st-Oct 2nd) and with […]

Tweetup panel of Film Festival producers

Tweetfest on film freeway
  Everyone LOVES a sequel and we’re back with TWEETFEST 2016 Film FreewayWe’ve just launched our TWEETFEST 2016, taking place at the Hackney Picturehouse, with our call for short film submissions happening exclusively on FILMFREEWAY. This is only open to UK ACTORS TWEETUP members (you are a member if you are […]

The TweetFest is live on FILM FREEWAY

Fancy meeting the Exec Producer of Sense8 and a producer who’s worked with The Weinstein’s? Yes?!!  We thought you might say that. So you can imagine we are thrilled to welcome Leon Clarence and Jay Taylor to do just that. They’ll be  joining us to talk about all things producing, casting, […]

Sense8 Producer and Exec Producer for The Electric Shadow Company ...